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Jewellers Block Insurance

Jewellers Block coverage is a specialty that few brokers understand and offer. And it’s one of our specialties.

What is Jewellers Block insurance?

Jewellers Block insurance allows you to cover your jewellers store, repair shop or wholesale business at a reasonable premium.

Why do I need it?

Jewellery is easily stolen—which can negatively affect your business. There are also many other ways your business can be interrupted. We’ll make sure your inventory is covered 24/7.

Why talk to us first?

We’ve specialized in Jewellers Block insurance for years. In fact, Mac is one of only two brokers in Alberta that has a contract with Jewelers Mutual Insurance, and one of only five in Canada. You could say we’re pretty exclusive.

Our policies with Jewelers Mutual are easy to understand and do not contain a two-man warranty clause, opening or closing clause or other provisions that your current policy may have that can hinder your operations. Our knowledge and access to Jewelers Mutual Insurance can help you understand when a Lloyds policy, or Jewelers Mutual Insurance policy would help you best.

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